How do you “witness” Clients, when you are secretly worried what question to ask next?
How It Works
Standard Coaching Support Package
Most people choose to begin with the standard package, which typically includes 7 to 9 total hours working together, including each of the following:
Introductory Session
During a one hour introductory discussion we get to know a bit about one another, identify and discuss your goals for our work together, and create a rough timeline for our future sessions
First observation (Audio/video Recorded Coaching Session)
You provide your first one-hour recorded session. Within one week, I listen and review, then develop and share detailed developmental feedback and observations.
First De-Brief Conversation
Once you have received and reviewed my feedback, we schedule a second one-hour conversation to discuss, ask one another questions, and refine your goals for our work together based on what we learn.
Second Observation (audio/video Recorded Coaching Session)
You provide your second one-hour recorded session. Within one week, I listen and review, then develop and share detailed developmental feedback and observations.
Second De-Brief Conversation & Wrap
Once you have received and reviewed my second set of comments, we schedule our second and final one-hour conversation to discuss progress, identify your “growth edge,” co-design skill building exercises, identify longer-term goals, ask one another questions, and refine follow-up practices and action steps.
Once we have finished our first full cycle of observation and feedback, if you have additional goals that you would like to work on together we schedule additional sessions on an hourly basis.
How We Define Coaching
There are many different kinds of coaches, and many people identify themselves as coaches, though not all are certified by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). In my practice, we use the definition of coaching offered by the ICF, and ICF’s eleven coaching competencies provide the primary framework for my observation and feedback.
ICF defines coaching as: “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”
What Do We Talk About?
Our conversations focus on your coaching - the goals you identify and your recorded sessions serve as the primary source of material for our work together. Each conversation is tailored to your unique goals, strengths, and growth areas.
My feedback and skill-building suggestions are offered from the perspective of both the ICF Core Competencies and from my experience coaching and supporting other coaches.
Examples of topics we might discuss include:
Coaching Presence & Partnering
Coaching Presence is at the very heart of great coaching. When the Coach embodies coaching presence, many of the ICF core competencies arise with ease and more masterful coaching unfolds. My friend and former colleague, Doug Silsbee, states “presence is a state of awareness, in the moment, characterized by the felt sense of timelessness, connectedness, and a larger truth.” Presence Based Coaching, pg. 21.
How do Clients experience you as a Coach?
How do you partner more effectively with Clients?
How do you want Clients to experience you?
What core strengths & values can you build on to develop your presence?
Managing Fear & cultivating a sense of calm with the unknown
Do you ever feel anxious before a session? Experience a sense of uncertainty about what to ask next, where to go next, and how to get there? A sense of calm and acceptance not knowing what might happen next is essential for coaching, since each Client is different and we never know from one conversation to the next what might show up. The best way to prepare for this is to manage the one thing we can - ourselves.
How do your feelings before a coaching session affect how you show up?
What strategies and tools do you use to manage your Self?
Framing the Session
The right framework - including clearly identified goals for each session, time for self-reflection and check-ins, and clear action steps - are a critical part of what distinguishes nice conversations from powerful coaching conversations.
How do you frame sessions?
How do you contain the session while still offering a sense of spaciousness, openness and possibility to your Clients?
What role does presence play in holding the space for your Clients?
How can silence & spaciousness support your Coaching?
How do you create a sense of “lift”to help Clients feel calmed, witnessed, and supported?